Infertility is a disease for which there is not always a cure. And the IVF method does not help all couples to give birth to the long-awaited child. If all methods have been tried but were ineffective, there is only one option – to resort to the services of a surrogate mother.
What is surrogacy?
Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproductive technology (ART) that involves three people at once:
- A married couple (potential parents);
- A woman who will bear and give birth to a healthy child – a surrogate mother.
- The procedure is based on IVF (in vitro fertilization) with the further introduction of the zygote not to the biological mother, but to the woman who will bear the child.
Essence and peculiarities of the insemination procedure
A surrogate mother is not biologically related to the child. In the clinic, specialists take the necessary material from the potential parents. To do this, an egg is separated from a woman and seminal fluid is collected from a man.
If you are interested in costs of surrogacy, we advise you USA-based company Delivering Dreams.
Then, to fertilize the egg, the ICSI (ICSI, or intracytoplasmic sperm injection) method is used. The zygote is left for 5 days, after which the embryo is transferred into the uterine cavity of the surrogate. When it implants into the endometrium, gestation – pregnancy – occurs.
How a surrogate mother is selected
The surrogate choice is made according to strict criteria. One should not try to find a candidate by oneself, especially via the Internet or with the recommendations of other parents on the forum!
There are certain requirements that should be strictly adhered to by a woman who will become a surrogate mother. Therefore, the choice of a surrogate mother-to-be should be taken seriously, and it is better to have a competent doctor involved in the process.
Each clinic offering such services has a catalog with information on surrogate mothers. The clients themselves choose the candidate they have found to be the best option for them.
Before concluding the contract, the surrogate mother-to-be has to undergo a thorough examination. The doctor of the clinic appoints it and then analyzes the results. If there are no abnormalities in the woman’s health, the process moves on to the next stage.
The legal side of surrogacy
Using surrogate services is possible only on medical grounds. They are regulated by MOH Order 737 of Ukraine.
An agreement between the parties is made in the presence of a notary, where both potential clients and future surrogate mothers negotiate all clauses and conditions of the contract. After drawing up and signing the agreement, the notary certifies it, and it immediately comes into force.
Surrogacy is the best option for couples who are desperate and have lost hope of conceiving a child on their own. In order for the baby to be born healthy, you need to be very careful and responsible in choosing the woman who will carry the fetus. You should not trust in this complex and important matter the advice and reviews on numerous forums. Only a doctor can guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.