Dental Cleanings: Essential Steps for a Healthy Mouth

Has your dentist emphasized on getting a professional teeth cleaning at least once a year? Do you know why it is important? This informative blog will help you understand the reason and importance behind professional dental cleanings. 

The family dentist in Northwest Albuquerque, NM, and their team of oral hygienists offer oral wellness through routine dental cleanings that are essential to keep your teeth cavity-free and sparkling. Let’s explore their benefits.

What are the benefits offered by teeth cleanings? 

The benefits of dental cleaning go beyond plaque and calculus removal. They offer comprehensive care in improving your oral health.

You can expect the following benefits:

  • Deep dental cleanings help remove plaque and calculus from inaccessible areas through routine brushing and flossing. 
  • Fluoride treatment post dental cleanings protects your enamel and makes your teeth strong and resistant to caries.
  • Dental cleanings are accompanied by dental exams which help detect early signs of oral diseases such as oral cancer. These exams also evaluate the condition of your gums and cavities.
  • Cleanings remove stains, prevent tooth discoloration, and help enhance your smile boosting your confidence.

What are the types of teeth cleanings?

There are different types of dental cleanings depending on your requirements and oral health condition:

Prophylaxis cleaning

  • This is a professional cleaning done to prevent disease. 
  • This is common for people who have healthy mouths.

Scaling and root planning

  • These are non-invasive procedures that are more extensive than regular brushing and flossing. 
  • Scaling removes dental plaque by scraping the tooth surfaces using small dental scalers.
  • Root planing helps to smoothen the root surfaces, aiding a firm attachment between the gums and teeth. 

Full mouth debridement

  • This dental procedure is recommended if you have poor oral habits and have avoided dental checkups for too long.
  • Also known as gross cleaning, it involves thorough deep cleaning of the mouth.
  • The procedure uses ultrasonic tools and local anesthesia to numb sensitive areas while cleaning. 

Periodontal maintenance 

  • Periodontal maintenance is designed to prevent gingivitis and the recurrence of other diseases. 
  • Your dentist will advise you to visit every 3 months for maintenance dental cleanings for more severe cases of periodontal diseases. 


Remember to get professional dental cleanings every six months, combined with regular brushing twice daily, and flossing once daily, which contributes to maintaining oral cleanliness. These oral practices also rejuvenate your smile and enhance your overall health and wellness.


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